Dec 3rd,1776 (Gen. Heard watching Brit shipping)

General Washington to Congress, Princeton, December 2, 1776

Sir: I arrived here this morning with our Troops between Eight and Nine O’Clock…. When the Enemy first landed on this side the North River, I apprehended that they meant to make a push this way, and knowing that the force which I had, was not sufficient to oppose ’em, I wrote to Genl. Lee to cross with the Several Continental Regiments in his Division, and hoped he would have arrived before now; by some means or other he has been delayed. I suppose he has passed the River, as his Letter of the 26th ulto. mentioned that he had marched a Brigade the day before, and should follow the next himself. The remainder of the Troops, I conceived necessary to guard the several passes thro’ the Highlands, nor do I think they can be called from thence. Their number is very small, being reduced to very few by the departure of the Troops who stood engaged till the 30th ulto. I understand there are now at Bristol several prisoners. As their exchange at this time cannot be effected with propriety, I think it will be necessary under the present situation of Affairs, to have ’em removed immediately to some more interior place upon their paroles. If they remain, they may be of infinite disadvantage.
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General Washington to Congress, Head Quarters, Trenton, December 3, 1776

Sir: I arrived here myself yesterday morning with the Main body of the Army, having left Lord Stirling with two Brigades at Princeton and that neighbourhood to watch the Motions of the Enemy and give notice of their approach. I am informed that they had not entered Brunswick yesterday morning at 9 O’Clock, but were on the opposite side of the Raritan. Immediately on my arrival here, I ordered the Removal of all the Military and other Stores and Baggage over the Delaware, a great Quantity are already got over, and as soon as the Boats come up from Philadelphia, we shall load them, by which Means I hope to have every thing secured this Night and to morrow if we are not disturbed. After being disencumbered of my Baggage and Stores, my future Situation will depend intirely upon Circumstances. I have not heard a Word from General Lee, since the 6th last month, which surprises me not a little, as I have dispatched daily Expresses to him, desiring to know when I might look for him. This makes me fearful that my Letters have not reached him.

I am informed by report that Genl. St. Clair has joined him with three or four Regiments from the Northward, to know the Truth of this, and also when I may expect him and with what Numbers, I have this minute dispatched Colo. Stewart (Genl. Gates’s Aid de Camp) to meet Genl. Lee and bring me an Account. I look out earnestly for the Reinforcement from Philadelphia, I am in hopes, if we can draw a good Head of Men together, It will give Spirits to the Militia of this State who have as yet afforded me little or no Assistance, nor can I find they are likely to do much. Genl. Heard just informs me, that a person, on whose Veracity he can depend, has reported to him, that on Sunday last he counted 117 Sail of Ships going out of the Hook. You may depend upon being advised instantly of any further Movement of the Enemy’s Army or that of mine.