Jun 2nd,1779 (Plan to attack Staten Island)

The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745-1799. John C. Fitzpatrick, Editor.

[Note 11: Of the New Jersey Militia and dequty quartermaster general of New Jersey.]

[Head Quarters, June 2, 1779.]

Sir: I wish very much, to have the information I wrote for yesterday sent me. How many boats can be drawn together what kind and the number of men each boat can contain? These were the principal questions. If you have obtained the answer I request it immediately. I also am desirous of knowing with all the precision, of which the inquiry is capable the number of men on Staten Island, where they are stationed, whether collected, or at different places, if works are thrown up at each post, and their respective force in men. These things I want ascertained without delay. If you have any knowledge of the subject you will communicate it in the mean time; and use every possible means to obtain the most accurate information. I wish you to use diligence, dispatch, and secrecy; and to employ only such persons as you have reason to believe fit for the purpose. The moment you derive your intelligence you will be pleased to forward it by an express.

I am told, the Fleet which carried out the troops to Virginia have returned to New York. I wish to have this ascertained, and if the troops have also returned. I am, etc.