New Jersey Militia  -  Heard's Brigade

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Don't forget nothing. Have your muskets clean as a whistle, tomahawk scoured, Sixty rounds powder and ball, and be ready at a moment's notice. When you're on the march, act the way you would if you were sneaking up on a deer: see the enemy first.  Tell the truth about what you see and what you do. The entire army is depending o you for correct information. You can lie all you please when you tell other folks about the Rangers, but don't lie to a Ranger or an Officer. Never take a chance when you don't have to. When we're on the march, we march single file, far enough apart so one shot can't go through two men. If we strike swamps or soft ground, we spread out abreast so it is hard to track us. We move 'til dark, to give the enemy the least chance at us. When we camp, half the party sleeps while half stays awake. Separate prisoners 'til we have time to examine them so they can't cook up a story between them. Don't ever march home the same way: take a different route back so you won't be ambushed. Every night you'll be told where to meet if surrounded by a superior force. Don't sit to eat without posting sentries. Don't sleep past dawn: the French and Indians attack at dawn. Don't cross a river at the ford. If you're beign followed, circle 'round your own track and ambush them. Don't stand when the enemy is aiming at you: kneel down, lie down, hide behind a tree, Let the enemy come 'til he's almost close enough to touch, then let him have it, jump up and finish him off with your tomahawk.

-Robert Rogers, Orders of 1759


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