Apr 23rd, 1777  (Letter to Heard in Morristown)

Washington, George, 1732-1799. The writings of George Washington from the original manuscript sources: Volume 7
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library

To BRIGADIER GENERAL NATHANIEL HEARD Head Quarters, Morris Town, April 23, 1777.
Sir: I would have you leave at this place (out of the Militia under your Command) One hundred Men, or as near that Number as have had the Small Pox (Officered agreeable to the resolutions of Congress).You are also to send a Subaltern and twenty five Men to Succasony to guard the Magazines and Stores at that place, agreeably to Orders which the Officer is to receive from the Assistant Quarter Master General.

The residue of the Militia you are to March to Pompton, from whence you are to detach parties towards Hackensack &ca. to cover the Inhabitants in that Quarter and quiet the fears of the People as much as possible.

You will use your utmost diligency to compleat the Works begun at Pompton by Captn. O’Hara; who upon your arrival at that place is to repair hither with the detachment under his Command.

[Note: Capt. Henry O’Hara, of the Second Canadian regiment, then at Pompton. Meade’s order to him, dated Apr. 23, 1777, to march immediately to Morristown, is in the Washington Papers . ]